Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Also refracted by running
I am also refracted by running
turned and returned
rainbow radiated
Westward whirled;
running's foot-crunch
echoes long, on and on.
Being curls through me
glossed, glistened
its longering song-beating
my heart feet.
Exploring the Mystic
Friday, 18 October 2013
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Risen by running
I am risen by running
footpath kneaded
effort warmed
star-glow fired
foot-flip quickened
soul fed, spirit spread
Fill fully fed.
Risen through the risings of running
grass songs
cliff whispers
profusion perfumes
newal and renewal aches
cycle and recycle chafes.
footpath kneaded
effort warmed
star-glow fired
foot-flip quickened
soul fed, spirit spread
Fill fully fed.
Risen through the risings of running
grass songs
cliff whispers
profusion perfumes
newal and renewal aches
cycle and recycle chafes.
Exploring the Mystic
Friday, 11 October 2013
Photographs of running
I like to take pics while I'm running.
I also like the way
running is etched, chiseled sometimes into my memories;
into my runtan;
polished into the moon-glints from my eyes
I also like the way
running is etched, chiseled sometimes into my memories;
into my runtan;
polished into the moon-glints from my eyes
Friday thought
Friday, 4 October 2013
Run measures once: hours, minutes, seconds, parts of seconds passed; kilos and metres crossed.
Run measures too: waterfalls rainbowed, puddles splashed, silence forested
Friday thought
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Steeled by running
am steeled by running
blue-sprung calves
grey-hardened feet
alloyed mind-body
folded and refolded
reheated, rehammered,
quenched in life's stream,
moon polished,
dawn etched,
starlight inlaid;
finger-tips, tongue left to tingle,
eyes to glitter.
In the mystic
Monday, 30 September 2013
Beginnings - an affection
Once I couldn't run. I could chase a
ball, dash across a road, play with children. But not run consistently even for just a kilometre; still less every day.
Even if I could have, the plain fact
was that I didn't. Physical effort, besides the odd hike and moving
furniture, even though I was strong and healthy enough, wasn't part
of my life.
Had to change. Degenerated too far, fattened, lungs clogged. There was no “I” in this, it wasn't me deciding. A deeper drive engaged. Run.
Had to change. Degenerated too far, fattened, lungs clogged. There was no “I” in this, it wasn't me deciding. A deeper drive engaged. Run.
Snuck survival
Into late nights I sneaked.
Flung myself at a road, at my ignorance. Sounds
serious. It was. It was also quite funny. I did it as lightly as I could; laughed maybe half as much as I gasped, more after. A circular route took me over a hill; so once going, it was the same effort going back as going on. No going back, I forced myself through a long, long kilometre and
a bit. I wheezed lots and, well, always felt beaten.
My shins flared. I had to stop. Then start again. Didn't feel like it. Start again. Felt like I was making no progress. Start again.
My shins flared. I had to stop. Then start again. Didn't feel like it. Start again. Felt like I was making no progress. Start again.
Even had I known about a running group, a coach or guide who could help, I wouldn't have gone far too embarrassed to display me-like-that.
A year later I could run maybe three kilometres with a rest
halfway. That made me feel okay enough to run in daylight on a road where others ran. I couldn't believe how they chatted into the foreign lands past my limits.
In my defence, and with more than a hint of affection, I offer that this running, between walks and gasps, was done at around 4 min/km. I ran as far as fast as I could. I didn't know slower was also running. I was just doing my school-days running.
Six more months got me through five km, later to the end of a ten km with just a water break halfway, just a little slower than 4 min/km most likely. Got me glory no less, like Christmas tree lit from dark to magic, a city at dusk when the lights come on.
As a somewhat-runner, I joined a running group. First thing I learned: getting somewhere is just a new
beginning. Two, three years after I first tried roads, I began again, stumbling behind runners who could chat and joke
their way through twenty-two km.
Second thing I learned was that maybe it was an idea to buy proper running shoes and shorts.
It was okay. I knew how to wheeze and stumble and get somewhere. As all starting does, my running start grew step by step run by run.
Second thing I learned was that maybe it was an idea to buy proper running shoes and shorts.
It was okay. I knew how to wheeze and stumble and get somewhere. As all starting does, my running start grew step by step run by run.
Many miles later I
still have this deep affection for those first floppings.
Beginning is just the hardest part of running.
So too do I have an affinity for the very real people who
start or restart running; those who want to lift themselves to a higher level. I know what it it takes. I am that hum; it still thrums in me.
I also know it helps for someone to be there with them. I had spent much time being with myself to get going.
Once I spent time leading a beginner running group. It was easy for a Saturday morning three-hour fun runner, a regular marathoner and more, to be with them for forty or so minutes which mostly became an hour, a couple of times a week. He just went out and got in a few more miles on his own.
I also know it helps for someone to be there with them. I had spent much time being with myself to get going.
Once I spent time leading a beginner running group. It was easy for a Saturday morning three-hour fun runner, a regular marathoner and more, to be with them for forty or so minutes which mostly became an hour, a couple of times a week. He just went out and got in a few more miles on his own.
A great privilege it was to see them grapple then grow; to see them animate and glow; to be part of their first 5 km run, their first 10 km run, in a small way.
Maybe my affection is just that
often I had to re-start running: after not being able to run because
of a knee-problem; after knee-cartilage surgery to resolve the
problem, after the second knee was cut and trimmed too; after an illness.
A harder restart was after doing too much
running and losing interest. Not much running for 6
months. Driven out again, I started, a beginner once more, jogging as much as I could through just one km out, then after a deep breath that huge km back, three times a week.
At the start of my first 100 mile run I felt David Bowie's sung-idea of being an
“absolute beginner”. Being
a relatively seasoned short ultra runner helped little - the longer
distance was completely daunting; the other runners
looked terribly body-mind tough while I wobbled and ran inside.
Hardest was starting again after five years of little running. My life had changed, I thought I filled with running enough. It was hard: start, stop: cold or 'flu. Start again, stop: knotted calf. Start, stop, grit my mind, start again.
Running promises that you get stronger the longer you do it.I did know,it was possible, I had done it all before. I knew I didn't have to run at even 5 or 6 min/km. But know is know and do is do and the doing was hard, until it was done. Three years later if could run as I pleased again. I won't stop again.
And so
So I have this absolute affection for beginnings of journeys.
Beginnings redeemed me. Got clean lungs, empowered heart, thinner sometimes.
Got a richer life from those first dark, retching steps. I even got to run mystical miles.
Beginnings are always there in what I do, beginnings, restarting. I am just a begun beginner.
Beginnings redeemed me. Got clean lungs, empowered heart, thinner sometimes.
Got a richer life from those first dark, retching steps. I even got to run mystical miles.
Beginnings are always there in what I do, beginnings, restarting. I am just a begun beginner.
As I run more years, my first steps are still there, affectionately wrapped in a corner of all my runs.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Forged by running
I am forged by running
formed on an anvil
being fired into me:
panting a late afternoon path
to mountain top empty
but for shadows,
and the flares of
teeming flames of life
In the mystic
Friday, 20 September 2013
Fire flame
Lately I run harder, feet slap, ankle twitch, calf wrench, mouth grin; charge a hill, stride out a flat, ease a steep down; eat my lung-suck-heart-race. My mystic rose there, in that forge off that anvil. Got to fire the fire.
In the mystic
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Wrought by running
I am wrought by running. Bound, rebound for a rock in a rushing stream
mistake moon-gleam on puddle for moon-sheen on rock,
splash on, mistake reed-clump for ankle-suck mud,
laugh-curse, squelch on
grit-toed, grinning.
mistake moon-gleam on puddle for moon-sheen on rock,
splash on, mistake reed-clump for ankle-suck mud,
laugh-curse, squelch on
grit-toed, grinning.
In the mystic
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Tempered by running
I am tempered by running.
My path unwinds,
hard enough close,
ethereal in the distance,
into which I dissolve.
In the mystic
Monday, 2 September 2013
Mind opens
5 km run with mountain stream
Body sings,
mind quietens
then opens
33.7 km run over mountain with sun or mud
Run, your body strengthens
you can play, race and explore with that strength
Run on, your mind quietens
Run on and on, your body and mind merge
Further on as one, you open to all that is
You, a fragile, robust marvel of life,
in this bursting great being,
as you run race, play, explore it.
Run strong, body sings
Mind opens, blossoms.
Mind and body merge.
Spirit rises
when running with singing body, blossoming mind.
Spirit rising: the marvel, the reward
It is enough.
... Until I see, more is made in running
the rising spirit
More is made
in the next repetition, in the next beat
of feet on the run-drum.
More: the mystic of which I write,
and, crack-voiced, sing
of mystical miles,
through which I run and beam,
Bits of which gleam in my fingertips
in kitchen, at desk, at traffic lights.
In the mystic
Thursday, 13 June 2013
In my run-in soul
Harder running secretes in
a gorgeous, iridescent
which forms itself
around a flake of the
that sparks my life.
A new layer now,
of purple-gold with a tripple
of green song,
lets my soul-pearl grow
and glow.
(Context - I'm back from being part of Comrades Marathon 2013 with a medal sure (see http://www.time-to-run.co.za/ultimatecomrades/ if you like) and a lot more. And Life doesn't stop yet. Part of what comes next is to keep this pearl fired here in daily life. The pic is from Freepix.com)
Writing Running
Monday, 27 May 2013
Running okay
I just
have to say that I like the way
running made running okay
me through its blister and wheeze
so pierced me receptive
and so
tingled me responsive
let the halo of sun
around me too
on days I didn't run
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Now past the jar of heel on tar
I can float four hours through
another full filling moon,
an on through its waning too
With its ginger-tingle of infinity
still that sunlight refracts
into ever deeper corners
of this runlinging me.
Exploring the Mystic
Monday, 22 April 2013
And then the richness
of a long running moment.
Breathing a song of waterfalls,
the flap of feet on tar;
back nuzzled by the newly risen sun;
a mind unclogged, clouded-blue pouring in;
a soul taut, trembling
to the song of the universe
And still more to run, still more to come.
Exploring the Mystic
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
after 6 am,
after 4.5 km up hills
in the
dark past the last streetlight,
hopped out of time-space
into a
billowing profusion;
branches to the sun,
allowed it
stencil them on to me.
Exploring the Mystic
Monday, 8 April 2013
The UltradeepBlue.
I still want to go there more.
First though to complete the preparation:
Get this body-mind a bit stronger
cleanse,tune this eager soul
... soon
I still want to go there more.
First though to complete the preparation:
Get this body-mind a bit stronger
cleanse,tune this eager soul
... soon
Exploring the Mystic
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
That's me you know, running late
summer heat, eyes aglow, flipping off a street, up a crunchy track.
It's also me stopping out of the wind, cheek to comfort cliff, looking over city lights through clouds to the stars higher, feeling my pulse slowly slow deep.
It's also me stopping out of the wind, cheek to comfort cliff, looking over city lights through clouds to the stars higher, feeling my pulse slowly slow deep.
Exploring the Mystic
Monday, 18 March 2013
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Through, further through
Through, further through, the chafe of running
is being out there among sun and stone.
Feet float, flow, fizz.
Exploring the Mystic
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Through running
In the sweat and grind, the race and beat of running, the thought rose in me that there is more perfectly magnificent.
Exploring the Mystic
Beauty engaged

engaged is richer for me, than beauty only seen. Running engages me,
meshes my cogs with the greater gears of being. More of Life begins
to turn. Then more still.
Exploring the Mystic
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
These harvest-dawn runs linger now in
their end.
My legs don't want this over just yet, lust yet, stir up
dust yet.
The Mystic
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
The mystic, technically – Part 1
In there; there in me |
The first mystical miles
Out on yet another run I became aware of
myself differently in the world.
Awareness grown, fed by watching myself run thousands of kilometers through the world.
Awareness grown, fed by watching myself run thousands of kilometers through the world.
Awareness in me had bloomed enough that day to reach my consciousness.
I had run into the world. It had reached for me. A mountain shrub against my leg, we bristled; an owl's wing-beat was the thrum of me; sunrise poured gold into me. I overflowed. My breathing breath-full, a flow bursting with scents and tastes of the plants that made and cleaned it, with supernovas that created it.
I found magnificence. Together we became perfect. The world, the universe, included me. Happy. Enchanted.
Religious Mystics
I knew about religious mystics. All
religions have those who approach, connect directly, commune with the
highest powers, with God. The mystic path parallels the one of prayer, praise, ritual, sacrifice, ceremony and more.
I knew too that religious mystics all,
in one or other way, go through a process of shedding or moving away
from the everyday life, its chores, struggles and rewards. The mystics open themselves. Some
ascetically, some as journey of cleansing and denial, others in whirling ways; the Rasta's
I knew then what I had found.
A wrought mystic, a path
Sweat, effort, grind, at times darkly, running essentialised me. A moving-just-me with minimum technology: pants, warming top if I needed it,
shoes for my ticklish feet; an orange and apple until they were gone. Water I knew where to find.
Running lustily.Every-weekend three- or 4 hours runs, ties with the everyday stretched and broken. Also shorter runs, sweaty chest to breast of summer afternoon heat, hillside track, feet whisking grass.
Running lustily.Every-weekend three- or 4 hours runs, ties with the everyday stretched and broken. Also shorter runs, sweaty chest to breast of summer afternoon heat, hillside track, feet whisking grass.
I understood the path: run,watch and understand, run more and more with growing understanding of running, life and being.
Mystical miles. Marvellous. Simple, easily repeatable, ever-renewable, ever-enriching.
Those then
Were the first mystical miles, the crystal kilometers as they sparkled and flared. Were enough too. Yet there was to be more.
In the Logic of the Mystic, the beginning feeds its blossoming.
My running and experiences are not
denominated religious actions and experiences. They have no claim to religion and no challenge either. It's just me in the
majestic mystic.
The Mystic
Friday, 1 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Tree of Life
![]() |
A life tree |
If I could I would sculpt this tree, for
it symbolises the basics of life for me.
First survival.Up there in the Lions Head cliffs, that tree, found enough to make a life, in mostly soil- and water-less stone. A life against wind, summer-dry, winter-storm, man-fire.
Then, strong,
it nurtures, shelters as it can.
Then majestically when it can, maybe because of its views, it blossoms.
That tree is me. Foot-burnished roots entwine with my worn-in toes.
That living tree hears the creeping closer chainsaws of the Fynbos-Fundamentalists;
And I hear the distant song ethereal
That tree, even those cliffs and me, we are.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Regular Rhythm Run
In the doing it's done,
in the singing it's sung,
under the moon it's run.
A repeated-enough-rhythm,
drum-sung, drum-run,
lets us sing our hearts,
run our soul,
wink the effort-glow.
Exploring the Mystic
Monday, 25 February 2013
In the moment
Ran into the moment, its dazzle and glow. Went back for its perfecting sparkle and flare. Then in that shimmer saw something more; ran to it too. In that running, the moment marvellously began to blossom.
Exploring the Mystic
Every step I've run is there in each step I run. Every summer too, and every song I've sung. So I go on, foot after foot. My life fills more, passes less.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Run writing
I ran into life.Writing running engaged my mind. Leg-mind running opened my soul. Mind-Feet-Soul running deepened the thrill of being, let me run my mystical miles. More waits for me to run-write-run.
Writing Running
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Monday, 18 February 2013
Here then running. Running, running long,
running life, through universe warmed and welcomed by its
magnificence. Running this foot on the ground then that, over and
over, deeper and deeper, soul full-filling, spirit flaring ever flowing.
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